The Festival Founders

Annabelle Louvros
Annabelle was first introduced to Greece as a child in the 60s, when her mother was contracted to take photographs for the then emerging Greek tourism industry. Returning on holiday in the 80s, her love affair with Corfu truly blossomed and was sealed for life during her time working and living on the island. Annabelle, a Londoner, has worked in the art publishing, catering and property industries but is most inspired by working with communities and on projects outside the traditional commercial sectors.
Involved with school governance, subsidised housing and green space regeneration, she has long wished to transfer her energies and passions to realise and promote aspects of Corfu's existing array of riches to a wider audience and introduce new visitors to the place she loves. Annabelle's aim is that a celebration of the arts, both local and invited from elsewhere, in this special and beautiful place, will attract attention to Corfu in an unexpected, different and unique way.

Alex Preston
Alex Preston is the prize-winning author of four novels, most recently the critically acclaimed WINCHELSEA. Alex appears regularly on BBC Radio and television. He writes for The Telegraph, Harper’s Bazaar and The Economist as well as for the Observer’s New Review. Alex nurtures a deep and abiding love of Greece and Corfu. He is a long-distance runner and swimmer and traversed the Hellespont as part of the Year of Troy celelbrations in 2018. His work is published in Greek by Papadopoulos Publishing and Alex has written a regular monthly column for Epsilon Magazine in Athens.
Nikos Louvros 12/01/1947 - 18/01/2021

Nikos Louvros, born in Corfu Town, co-founded CricketCorfu and the Corfu Literary Festival with his wife, Annabelle. Niko was a passionate chef, traveller, event organiser and travel consultant and lived in London for many years, never losing his affection for his home island, describing the UK as his lover but Kerkyra as his mother.
In recent difficult years, and with growing concerns over the un-sustainability of hyper tourism, Niko devoted his time to encouraging and supporting local cultural bodies and enthusiasts to develop their existing offers and charms to the wider travelling world, and to work together and encourage a fresh cohort of visitors to the island, whilst also providing alternative potential to Corfiots themselves. There is a place for seaside holidays but Corfu is so much more - and her music, art, literature, sporting opportunities, history and food heritage, along with her natural riches and environment, need care, time protection and attention, so that all may enjoy and benefit from them.
With continuing thanks to:-

The Corfu Reading Society was founded in 1836; it is recognised as a cultural landmark throughout Greece. It houses rare and precious resources: a library, and a centre for studying the culture of the Seven Islands; protecting and preserving historical, folkloric, archaeological, linguistic and artistic materials; and promoting cultural and intellectual life in the Ionian and Adriatic regions. The Society arranges art exhibitions, supports local and regional cultural initiatives, and serves as an intellectual meeting-place. The Corfu Literary Festival is proud to work in partnership with the Reading Society and to host events at this historic building in the very centre of Corfu Old Town.
General opening hours:
Monday – Saturday 09:30 to 13:30 and evenings Mon-Wed-Fri by appointment.
Contact: Website: http://anagnostikicorfu.com E-mail: info@anagnostikicorfu.com
120 Kapodistriou Street, Corfu Town

This charming, independent bookshop can be found on the busy Nikiforou Theotoki Street in the centre the Old Town. The owners are knowledgeable and have a wide and interesting selection of books in Greek and English translation. This atmospheric store with its retro-bohemian style and antique furniture always proves a delightful visit and the staff most helpful. There is a cafe-reading room at rear of the bookshop where you can flip through your chosen book in a relaxed and tranquil environment and where readings and recitals are held.
https://www.facebook.com/Plousbibliopoliocafe plous.bibliopolio@gmail.com
Plous Bookstore - cafe
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